
This plugin is an adapter for the microphone of ScreenPy’s Narrator which sends logs to Allure.

This example makes use of this plugin.

Plugging In the Adapter

Plugging the AllureAdapter into the Narrator’s microphone must be done during test setup. This will be in your file for pytest, or during suite configuration for unittest.

Either way, the steps are the same, wherever you need to do them:

from screenpy.pacing import the_narrator
from screenpy_adapter_allure import AllureAdapter


After that the steps are attached to the allure report

Screenshot without plugin has not the steps

Attach Screenshot from Selenium

If you are using allure in a Selenium project using ScreenPy Selenium, you can attach a new screenshot to the report using SaveScreenshot.

For example, you can attach a screenshot as a PNG:

from screenpy import Actor, Visit
from allure_commons.types import AttachmentType

filepath = 'screenshot.png'
the_actor = Actor.named("Perry").who_can(BrowseTheWeb.using_firefox())
docs_url = (


Here is a screenshot of the report from the github example. In that example, we go to GitHub’s search page and find the screenpy_examples repository.

Allure report showing the screenshot from the Github example